My name is Tyler Smith, but somewhere along the line I decided to use “t clair” as a pen name. I graduated from Emmaus Bible College in 2006 with a degree in Biblical Exposition and Theology. I currently serve as Director of Student Ministries at First Presbyterian Church (PCA), Prattville, Al.

During college I wrote a column under the pen name “t clair” for the now defunct River Stages magazine in Dubuque, IA. In addition to the column, I published a number of cartoons both in a local magazine and a small, internet-based “zine” with a small following. All the while I was performing with my band, the also-now-defunct Lydia’s Address. We had a small following in the tri-state area, and were even blessed with the opportunity to record with an industry professional in Nashville.

While in college, I became involved with a wonderful community of believers called Riverside Bible Church. It was there that I received the practical training lacking in my Bible college education. Riverside had an experimental flair, and encouraged young leadership. I even served as a “Shepherd” (our version of “elder”) there for about a year, until we decided to close our doors.

I moved back to Alabama (where I graduated high school) in the winter of 2006 to take care of my mother who was dying of cancer, and my then 4 year old foster sister. During that time I began visiting First Pres. After some time, they asked me to come on as Director of Student Ministries. Also during that time, I met the love of my life, Jennifer Cork. We’ll be married on March 14, 2009!

Mom passed away on May 20th, 2008 at 6:15 p.m. I am so thankful that God has used this difficult situation to call me into full time ministry.

With my ministry, my relationship, and looking after my now 6 year old little sister, I have little time for writing or music anymore. However, I have written the rough draft to a novel titled Return O August Earth that I hope to finish sometime in the next few years. Also, I still record music from time to time and post it here. Lately, I’ve been cartooning much more regularly. Be sure to check out my cartoon portfolio, an archive of all my web-based toons.

3 Responses to “Bio”

  1. As your Dub P I feel compelled to tell you that you tend to overuse the phrase, “now defunct.” Fortunately, you are a brilliant and unique writer, and I doubt that this small blind spot will ruin your career.

    Also, it’s possible that I’m a tiny bit bitter that there is a “group” of “writers” that has been allowed to read your writing through “google groups” while I, your Dub P, have not read any of it in over a year. Not nohow. Some day I will be gray-haired and wild-eyed, shaking my cane at the body guard who will not let me into your sold-out lecture, and yelling, “Let me in, you whipper-snapper! I knew him when he was knee high to a grasshopper! We used to be writing partners!”


  2. jennifer Says:

    will you please just marry me already?

  3. Don Says:

    T Clair, marry that girl. She is ready and afterall the greatest thing one can do for another is to marry them and make a Smith out of them. She is a real looker too!

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